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Model Airfields DB

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Field Name Country Update c ID (Reg) Link Typ
Zoeterwoude Travellers field nl 18.06.2024, 00:04:53 1233 NL6085 airfield
Zollino Gruppo Aeromodellisti Leccesi it 30.07.2024, 14:36:10 883 IT3338 airfield
Zomergem Blue Birds Gent be 17.06.2024, 21:26:07 1348 BE6840 airfield
Zoran model airplane il 12.07.2024, 11:50:48 1149 IL6121 airfield
Zoutelande Hellingvliegen 1 nl 18.06.2024, 00:07:40 1432 NL6122 slope
Zoutelande Hellingvliegen 2 nl 18.06.2024, 00:06:50 1441 NL4870 slope
Zülpich LSC de 05.05.2024, 20:40:42 1352 DE1495 - DMFV05/160 airfield
Zumikon-Maur MFV ch 18.06.2024, 00:05:56 1438 CH4102 airfield
Zunzgen Modellfluggruppe Oberbaselbiet ch 05.06.2024, 18:56:54 975 CH4015 airfield
Zwalm Indoor Flyers Oudenaarde be 29.07.2024, 21:13:24 855 BE1566 indoor
Zwaring MFC at 10.09.2023, 13:50:39 1461 AT4354 airfield
Zweibrücken MBC de 22.06.2024, 21:08:31 1260 DE1496 - DMFV07/009 airfield
Zwickau-Mosel MFG Mosel de 11.07.2024, 20:59:22 1709 DE5663 - DMFV20/016 airfield
Zwijndrecht Flying Field be 02.12.2023, 20:06:37 1152 BE6123 airfield
Zwolle The First Aviators nl 04.06.2024, 21:28:52 303 NL9600 airfield
Zwönitz MFC de 06.11.2023, 18:04:49 1530 DE1497 - DMFV20/015 airfield
Złotniki RC-Flying pl 12.02.2024, 17:39:55 1087 PL8840 airfield
Złotów RC-Zlotow pl 09.10.2023, 20:53:44 1055 PL8841 airfield
Æsustaðafjall Slope NE is 18.06.2023, 07:17:52 308 IS9624 slope
Ølensvåg Vågen RC Klubb no 20.07.2023, 20:46:08 1045 NO3430 airfield
Ørbæk Østfyns Modelflyveklub dk 08.09.2023, 20:47:12 1164 DK7442 airfield
Ørland Austrått Modellflyplass no 03.10.2023, 16:06:21 1267 NO8559 airfield

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