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Model Airfields DB

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Field Name Country Update c ID (Reg) Link Typ
Aubazines Aero Club de Brive Aéromodélisme Float fr 10.09.2024, 20:33:04 185 FR11151 - AIP9415 float
Aubel Vol de Pente des Trois Frontières 1 be 01.02.2024, 20:27:42 964 BE6831 slope
Aubel Vol de Pente des Trois Frontières 2 be 01.02.2024, 20:27:56 1059 BE6832 slope
Aubenas Aeromodelisme-Aubenas fr 13.09.2023, 20:45:55 1119 FR7843 - AIP9635 airfield
Aubercy Aéromodélisme fr 08.03.2023, 20:46:06 190 FR9408 - AIP8122 airfield
Aubermesnil-Beaumais Club Aéromodélisme Dieppe fr 02.09.2024, 11:23:54 862 FR5937 - AIP8346 airfield
Aubrey North Dallas RC Club us 22.02.2024, 12:22:44 1258 US3505 - 1238 airfield
Aubstadt MFV Grabfeld de 30.09.2024, 19:59:51 1227 DE5667 - DMFV03/152 airfield
Auburn Flaming Geyser Flyers us 08.08.2024, 11:20:47 1397 US3726 - 4728 airfield
Auburn NHFlyingMisfits us 03.01.2024, 20:54:58 1151 US2833 - 4137 airfield
Auburn Radio Aero Modelers of Seattle us 25.09.2024, 20:34:26 749 US3782 - 649 airfield
Auburn Sierra Foothills RC Flyers us 30.12.2023, 20:54:24 587 US1708 - 1695 airfield
Auburn/Opelika AuburnRC us 28.03.2024, 16:42:46 1061 US1521 - 1580 airfield
Auch Aéromodélisme fr 02.09.2023, 10:17:57 815 FR7996 - AIP9064 airfield
Auchengillan Queens View Model Flying Club uk 30.12.2023, 20:59:05 1187 UK4924 airfield
Auchinloch Glasgow Barnstormers uk 19.08.2024, 20:06:17 501 UK5230 airfield
Auckland AucklandSoar nz 07.01.2024, 18:15:02 1055 NZ8662 airfield
Auckland Highbrook Aero Modellers nz 20.04.2024, 11:40:44 1413 NZ8661 airfield
Auckland Indoor Flight Group nz 18.09.2024, 11:20:09 1111 NZ8660 indoor
Auckland TMAC nz 07.01.2024, 18:15:28 1063 NZ8663 airfield
Audruicq Audruicq-FDV-Aero fr 12.09.2024, 18:37:05 1207 FR11458 - AIP8386 airfield
Aue-Alberoda MFC de 02.09.2024, 21:22:41 1456 DE66 - MFSD117 airfield
Auerbach Modellflugverein at 02.11.2023, 18:33:27 1174 AT4112 airfield
Auerbach/Oberpfalz MFC de 06.06.2024, 20:40:17 1437 DE560 - DMFV03/113 airfield
Auerbach/Vogtland Fliegerclub Modellflug de 10.06.2024, 20:37:10 1668 DE68 airfield
Auffay Normandie Aéromodélisme fr 23.02.2024, 20:40:03 176 FR9372 - AIP8404 airfield
Aufseß MFG de 07.09.2024, 20:56:15 1546 DE69 - DMFV03/276 airfield
Augmontel ACMN81 fr 02.05.2024, 18:50:29 743 FR7905 - AIP9370 airfield
Augsburg MFCA de 02.05.2024, 20:31:30 1714 DE70 - DMFV03/275 airfield
Augusta CSRA Flyers us 15.10.2023, 18:47:59 1334 US2050 - 226 airfield

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